Saturday, April 10, 2010


Yesterday, when I came home, my little hermano was in big trouble for some madre was screaming and he was crying, which actually isn't that unusual, but literally, he was sitting in his room for hours crying because he was supposed to be writing lines from Pinnochio. The poor thing broke my heart. He is just learning how to read and write, so he was having a really hard time and when I came out of my room I went over to him and rubbed his back and asked him what was wrong and told him that he could do it. He cried and cried until I sat down and helped him write it out and he perked right up and started writing. "D con la O con la N...don...D con la E...don-de...donde." I felt like such a good big sister! That was, until he went to show his mom and got in trouble for having me help him :( so I sat there with him and I told him that he has to do it on his own but I'd sit here if he needed help. It was very cute.

Today, the extended family was over and there were kids running all over the place. Someone gave them flutes, which was the worst idea in the entire world. They woke me up from my siesta. Then there was crying and screaming all night because someone would fall or push the other one...yikes. Not very cute.

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