Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mediterranean Living

I dreaded waking up on Thursday because I knew I would have to sit and stare as my family spoke at me in Spanish and try and find my way to the center of town and to the university. Getting to know a new place is never easy. Pero, mi madre took me to the bus station and rode with me to meet the group who was going to the university. This was nice because its the bus I will take to get to town and back, so I was able to memorize the route. However, it took a half hour to ride this bus to downtown and then another half hour+ to ride from there to the university!!

The university is this sprawling campus with concrete sculptures, pools, etc, palm trees, grass, flowers, etc. It is very tropical errr, I suppose Mediterranean looking. It is also very big because it has to house a population of 30,000+ estudiantes. Its quite beautiful.

So, I hate to admit it, but I think I rocked the placement test. It was easy. But, I later find out that it doesnt really matter. They just need to know if we were extremely beginners (never taken spanish) or a little bit more knowledge of the language (me). Oh well. I also found out that I have classes on Friday morning, which really sucks, pero I will just have to make do.

I spent the afternoon trying to find my way home. It actually is not as hard as I will make it seem, but the bus only comes every 25 minutes, so if I miss it, I am screwed and it takes forever. I have a few other students who live near me, so I rode the bus with them and I finally got home about an hour and 15 minutes after I left the university!

Mi Madre had lentil soup waiting for me when I got home--it was amazing. We sat and talked for a little bit, and while I only understand about 50% of what is said, I was grasping concepts and we bonded a little bit. Then, I siesta-ed for a few hours.

I ventured out to buy a phone, which was way more difficult than it should be because I had to go back home to get my passport, etc. I also bought some essential things like a hair dryer at the super mega department store in the mall. This is going to be amazing to have it right across the street. I was going to head downtown to join the group who went out for the night, but mi hermano insisted that I put away my clothes and get off the computer! so, I did that, and besides, I had missed the last bus to town anyway.

On Friday the group went to Guadalest ^, a village and castle that was built into a mountain. It was beautiful and extremely peaceful. Also, we went to Villajoysa (below), which was a fishing town with a big fortress to protect from invasion. We got to see the beach--the bright blue water with palm trees, with the colored houses with tiled floors and pottery. Although my description is not the best, trust me, it was gorgeous. Straight out of Southern Living, err Mediterranean Living. We also at some churros and drank hot chocolate, but it was more like eating funnel cake and drinking chocolate fondue. It was delish, but it made me feel disgusting.
Friday night we went out to el Barrio, which is the area where the bars and clubs are. I had a lot of fun, and I realized that I am really getting used to the areas around town. It is a small town, so it is easy. The Taxi driver on the way home asked me where I was from and I said the US, and he asked specifically so I said New Jersey, and he went crazy with joy. For some reason he loved NJ- it makes me wonder as to whether "The Jersey Shore" has become popular in Spain now. That would make me cry.

Saturday I slept in and then colored with Chema for a little while. For lunch, Mike, the homestay student who previously stayed with mi familia came over to eat. We had paella and it was AWESOME. It was vegetarian, because he doesn't eat meat, but I hope that mis padres will make it for me with some seafood or meat some day. Then, Mike went back to work and I was left with Chema to sword fight, but it was not fair because he had a pistola! He had me running all over the apartment, and after eating a lot of paella, that was just plain exhausting. I siesta-ed the rest of the afternoon!

Mi padre told me that it will only take me 15 days to figure out what they are saying. I think that is a little bit of a stretch, so I'll give myself 20. I also found out today that not only am I the first girl that this family has housed, I am one of the weakest Spanish speakers. Wow, that makes me feel crappy. As of right now, I sit with a dictionary at dinner to try and speak to them haha. If i have something important to say, I google translation it and read it to them :). I cannot wait for language class to start on monday!!!


  1. First female guest, weakest espanola. Wow, you certainly are a trail blazer! Sounds like every day gets a little easier. 20 days to a new you. Love Mom

  2. Spain looks incredible. And I'm sure you'll pick up the language in no time. Spanish is prettier than Czech, believe me.

    In the meantime, keep writing!

  3. This is so exciting! Good luck with your spanish classes : )
